Predictive Lead Scoring Software

Predictive Lead Scoring Software

Close more deals using predictive lead scoring software to automatically prioritize leads based on thousands of data points.

  • Prioritize leads with data from the entire buyer experience

  • Create and customize new scoring systems to qualify leads

  • Focus on selling by automating your sales team’s repetitive tasks


Close more deals with data-driven lead scoring.

Manually consolidating, analyzing, and prioritizing leads can deplete your sales team’s time and bandwidth. With predictive lead scoring software, you can automate that process and give your team more time to focus on selling.

HubSpot’s lead scoring software uses data points from the entire customer journey to analyze and score each lead. In turn, your team can close more deals with data-backed prioritization and perfectly timed follow-ups.

Automate lead scoring with machine learning.

As your business grows, your customer journeys become more complex, making lead scoring time-consuming. HubSpot’s predictive lead scoring uses machine learning to parse through thousands of data points to qualify leads. Over time, the system becomes smarter, creating a self-optimizing lead scoring system.

In summary, our data science project focused on fine-tuning lead scoring for  Education. We aimed to exceed an 80% precision goal, which we not only met but exceeded. Throughout our journey, we identified key factors like phone interactions, referrals, and online engagement that strongly correlated with lead conversion, leading to actionable strategies.One notable achievement was the development of an automated lead scoring algorithm that not only improved lead assessment precision but also streamlined operational efficiency. By targeting promising leads, any Edutech could reduce sales team costs significantly.

Use custom scoring systems to qualify segments.
With time, you might switch from upselling to cross-selling, expand to new regions, or broaden your audiences. Your lead scoring system should grow and evolve with you. With HubSpot, you can ensure every lead is qualified adequately, creating up to 25 different scoring systems for a customized approach.

Use both traditional and predictive lead scoring.
Take control of your lead scoring efforts by toggling between traditional and predictive lead scoring. Create new scoring criteria based on data from form submissions, page visits, and more. Then, use your lead score to segment email lists, trigger rep notifications, or personalize your web content.


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